Kind Hearts Home Services

Do you need a helping hand with daily tasks?
We offer a range of services to suit your needs.
We can make a difference by assisting you in so many ways.

Help around the home
Our help around the home includes:
Cleaning services
We can offer help around the home service, including and not limited to:-
Domestic tasks
Ironing Service
Laundry Service

Shopping Service
Shopping Service
We can offer you a shopping service to your local supermarket. We can go to your preferred supermarket, unload and unpack for you.
Prescription Collection Service

Meal Preparation
We can provide an exclusive service for those needing support with meal preparation, this could be with assistance with:-
Preparation with a light lunch
Helping to prepare vegetables for
an evening meal Breakfast

Indoor Companionship
Are you feeling a little lonely and could benefit
from some social support or would you just
prefer a chat over a cup of tea; we can help.
We offer a companionship service

Handy Person Services
Do you need your grass cutting
or other minor jobs doing around the home?

Benefit Consultancy
Prices vary according to requirements
please contact us for a personal assessment
We offer an initial free ten minute
telephone assessment